House Cleaners - Franchise Opportunity

A Proven Business

We know what you need to know to run a home cleaning business


Be your own boss... and part of a nationwide team

House Cleaners has run successfully for over 9 years.

The first business was started by Belinda and Steven, as a family business in 2014. House Cleaners Wellington became a popular cleaning service with many repeat customers and many positive testimonials.

In these early days Steven ran the office while Belinda managed the onsite cleaning. It was through this real-world experience they honed their skills and established practical systems to more effectively run a house cleaning operation. These systems also put in place policies and procedures to make staff management and rostering easier.

It is these proven processes, documentation and business tools that Belinda and Steven make available to new Franchise holders. This rewarding franchise opportunity is a turn key solution for both experienced cleaners looking to be their own boss, and for new operators looking for their future income.

At a time when there is a high demand for home cleaning, The House Cleaners ethos of "Cleaning Done Properly" resonates with both customers and cleaners. It is now the ideal time for this successful business model to spread throughout New Zealand.

As Belinda and Steven note themselves "We developed the House Cleaners franchise opportunity to be able to service more areas in New Zealand effectively with a personal smaller team touch and create opportunities for genuine dedicated hard working people, couples and families who care about what they are doing.

We support our people to do well and enabling them to be financially rewarded for their efforts, enjoying a good lifestyle along the way. We are so pleased to provide opportunities for people at a fair and reasonable price. We truly want to see our franchisees do well."

Area franchisees deal with both Belinda and Steven as needed. Steven is the first point of contact and handles all technical and software support. Belinda specialises in supporting new franchisees to get started and provides ongoing support on cleaning related enquiries.

Belinda and Steven

Creators of The House Cleaning Franchise

"We want our franchisees to enjoy success and we want to have a good relationship with them."

Belinda and Steven